
什么是HashTable 对比其他数据结构,HashTable是一种典型的空间换时间思想的结构,大体思路就是创建一个数组,通过一个hash函数...

2023-02-11 · 2 min · 826 words · luolin

Java List

List接口 An ordered collection (also known as a sequence). The user of this interface has precise control over where in the list each element is inserted. The user can access elements by their integer index (position in the list), and search for elements in the list. 上面这段引用就是jdk8对List的定...

2023-02-11 · 4 min · 1704 words · luolin

Java Map


2023-02-11 · 8 min · 3777 words · luolin

Java Set

Set接口 HashSet、LinkedHashSet、TreeSet HashSet是Set接口的典型实现,大多数时候Set集合都使用这个实现...

2023-02-11 · 4 min · 1766 words · luolin